Deliberación y Toma-de-Decisiones Éticas en el Marco de los Sistemas-Ecológicos

Marcos de Aprendizaje

Las comunidades humanas siempre han tomado decisiones socio-ecológicas. Desde opciones sobre qué comer, dónde vivir, cómo desplazarse, si el agua es segura para beber, entre muchos otros.  Estas decisiones están moldeadas por nuestros valores y prácticas culturales y reflejan fundamentalmente lo que llamamos interpretaciones de las relaciones con la naturaleza-cultura. Las relaciones naturaleza-culturales son las formas en que las comunidades humanas construyen sus formas de pensar y ser (todos los días, institucionales, legales, etc.) con el mundo natural.


Ethical Deliberation and Decision-Making in Socio-Ecological Systems Framework

Learning Frameworks Overview

Human communities have always made socio-ecological decisions. From choices about what to eat, where to live, how to get around, to whether water is safe to drink, amongst many others. These choices are shaped by our values and cultural practices and fundamentally reflect what we call construals of nature-culture relations. Nature-cultural relations are the ways human communities construct their ways of thinking and being (everyday, institutional, legal, etc.) with the natural world. 


Complex Socio-Ecological Systems Framework

Learning Frameworks Overview

All social and ecological systems interact in a complex web of relations across time and place. These are referred to as socio-ecological systems.  Understanding complex socio-ecological systems is increasingly important in a world that is socially and ecologically shifting at rapid rates. For example, it is important for people to be able to reason about patterns in the Earth’s climate or diversity of life. Systems reasoning, or being able to understand properties and behaviors of systems, is an academic demand in science learning environments but also increasingly a demand of everyday communal life.


Designing Learning in and with Outdoor Places Framework

Learning Framework Overview

The term place in socio-ecological systems refers to both geographical locations as well as communities’ lived experiences in and with the natural environment. Our understanding of place is shaped by family and cultural histories, knowledges and practices, and consists of interdependent and powered relationships across local and global scales. Place, put simply, is where and how culture and the environment are co-constructed. As an educator, it is important to be aware of the multiple histories of a place, and to recognize that you, learners, and their families and communities may have very different histories and relationships to that place. This is critical to educating and designing learning opportunities in and with places.


Phenology Framework

Learning Frameworks Overview

 Constructing knowledge about seasons and the earth’s rhythms and patterns is something that culture communities across the earth have done since time immemorial. Engaging these cycles and rhythms has been central to how societies have developed specific nature-culture relations and the routine practices of human activity. Over time, scientists have come to call the study of seasonal impacts on plant and animal life cycles, including humans, Phenology! 


Marco de Fenología

Marcos De Aprendizaje 

Construya conocimiento sobre las temporadas y el ritmo y patrones de la tierra es algo que las comunidades con cultura a través de la tierra han hecho desde tiempo inmemorial. Involucrar estos ciclos y ritmos ha sido fundamental a cómo las sociedades han desarrollado relaciones específicas de naturaleza-cultura y prácticas rutinarias de actividad humana. Con el tiempo, científicos han llegado a llamar fenología el estudio de los impactos de las temporadas de los ciclos de la vida de animales y plantas, incluyendo humanos, ¡Fenología! 


Relationships in Socio-Ecological Systems Framework

Learning Framework Overview

Interdependent relationships undergird all aspects of socio-ecological systems, are dynamic and shift across time, space, and levels of organization. Research shows that sensemaking across these multiple shifting scales requires intentional scaffolding, particularly for young learners and is necessary for complex socio-ecological systems learning.






Socio-ecological Histories of Places Framework

Learning Frameworks Overview

The socio-ecological histories of places framework involves thinking across six time scales. These provide a framework for supporting learner sense-making within and across time and place. A key reason to engage learners in this thinking is that it will support them in understanding how things may have changed slowly or rapidly, and how decisions lead to ethical, just and sustainable futures and possibilities.
