Rhizome diagram
Do you want to learn more about complex ecological systems, nature-culture relations, and field-based science? We have designed these frameworks for educators working in a variety of places (community-based organizations of all types, homes, schools). Each framework provides in-depth, research-based information about its topic, as well as a variety of appendices that help educators put their new learning into practice. These include vignettes that show the ideas in practice and a self-assessment that educators can use to reflect on their current and future thinking and practice.

Deliberación y Toma-de-Decisiones Éticas en el Marco de los Sistemas-Ecológicos

Ethical Deliberation and Decision-Making in Socio-Ecological Systems Framework

Complex Socio-Ecological Systems Framework

Modeling and Forming Explanations Framework

Wonderings, “Should We”, and Investigation Questions in Field-Based Science Framework

Preguntas, “¿Deberíamos?” y Preguntas de Investigación en Ciencia Basada en el Campo

Designing Learning in and with Outdoor Places Framework


Phenology Framework

Marco de Fenología

Relationships in Socio-Ecological Systems Framework



Marco de Poder e Historicidad

Power and Historicity Framework

Family and Community Framework for Engagement and Collaboration

Observations and Data Collection for Making Sense of Phenomena Framework


Marco de Relaciones de La Naturaleza y La Cultura

Nature-Culture Relations Framework


Marco de Cultura, Aprendizaje e Identidad

Culture, Learning and Identity Framework

Socio-ecological Histories of Places Framework